12 Great Reasons To Launch Your Podcast Now

No matter what business you’re in, or if you’re even in business, it’s worth it to launch your podcast now.

Regardless of what you’ve been told, it’s not that difficult.

It’s easier when you get someone else to do it for you, of course.

Either way, you’ll be so glad you made the decision once you get started.

Sometimes it helps to think beyond the “obvious” reasons to launch your podcast.

I’ve been involved with podcasting since 2019, first as a booking agent, and now as a logistical coordinator for a company that launches podcasts for entrepreneurs and influencers, then provides an array of support services.

This means I’ve heard a lot and seen a lot.

Sure, interviewing people who can become your clients or sponsors is important.

But there’s so much more to it.

When you can mix your business goals with something that really excites you, it will keep you going for the long haul.

So now let’s look at 12 great reasons to launch your podcast now.

#1 and #4 may shock you and we don’t talk about them often enough, but they’re important no matter what kind of podcast you have.

Here we go:

  1. Personal Catharsis: Some individuals launch podcasts as a way to express themselves, share their personal stories, or process their emotions, using this medium as a therapeutic outlet.
  2. Networking and Connection: Podcasting can be a means to connect with like-minded individuals, build relationships, and establish a network within a specific niche or community.
  3. Alternative Education: Podcasts offer a unique way to delve into alternative education or explore unconventional topics that may not be covered in traditional educational systems.
  4. Getting A Free Education: It’s annoying to be that person who tries to pick everyone’s brain. It’s also frustrating to not be in a position to pay a coach. Being a podcast host means you can get business coaching for free.
  5. Hobby Exploration: People often start podcasts as a way to explore their hobbies more deeply, offering insights, tips, and discussions on niche interests or lesser-known activities.
  6. Creative Expression: Launching a podcast provides a platform for creative individuals to showcase their artistic talents, experiment with storytelling, or share their unique perspectives.
  7. Promoting Thought-Provoking Conversations: Many podcasters aim to spark meaningful discussions, challenge societal norms, and tackle controversial topics that are often avoided in mainstream media.
  8. Spreading Awareness: Some podcasters launch shows with the intention of educating the public about little-known causes, raising awareness about important issues, or discussing underrepresented topics.
  9. Self-Improvement: Podcasting can be seen as a personal development journey, where hosts share their experiences, insights, and lessons learned with the aim of helping others cultivate growth and well-being.
  10. Entertaining Others: Launching a podcast enables hosts to entertain listeners through humor, storytelling, or by creating fictional narratives, giving audience members an escape from reality.
  11. Building Personal Brand: Podcasts can serve as a powerful tool for personal branding, allowing hosts to establish themselves as experts or thought leaders in their respective fields, attracting new opportunities and collaborations.
  12. Making Your Voice Heard: It might sometimes feel like you don’t have the freedom of speech your country’s constitution says you should. Having your own outlet means you cannot be silenced by someone else’s whims.

How many of these reasons to launch your podcast now stand out for you?

If you’re asking when the best time is to get started, there’s an answer to that: right now.

I promise you it is a lot simpler than you may be led to believe.

Don’t get in the weeds over technology and don’t worry that you’ll run out of things to say.

You probably have enough to say to fill several podcasts, when you think about these 12 reasons.

People want to hear from you, so make your voice heard.

Start now!

About the Author: Tammie Leigh

With 6-plus years of background in virtual assistance for entrepreneurs and business owners, Tammie Leigh brings an eclectic blend of personal experiences and professional adventures to deliver highly unique results that make your voice heard.

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12 Great Reasons To Launch Your Podcast Now

No matter what business you’re in, or if you’re even in business, it’s worth it to launch your podcast now.

Regardless of what you’ve been told, it’s not that difficult.

It’s easier when you get someone else to do it for you, of course.

Either way, you’ll be so glad you made the decision once you get started.

Sometimes it helps to think beyond the “obvious” reasons to launch your podcast.

I’ve been involved with podcasting since 2019, first as a booking agent, and now as a logistical coordinator for a company that launches podcasts for entrepreneurs and influencers, then provides an array of support services.

This means I’ve heard a lot and seen a lot.

Sure, interviewing people who can become your clients or sponsors is important.

But there’s so much more to it.

When you can mix your business goals with something that really excites you, it will keep you going for the long haul.

So now let’s look at 12 great reasons to launch your podcast now.

#1 and #4 may shock you and we don’t talk about them often enough, but they’re important no matter what kind of podcast you have.

Here we go:

  1. Personal Catharsis: Some individuals launch podcasts as a way to express themselves, share their personal stories, or process their emotions, using this medium as a therapeutic outlet.
  2. Networking and Connection: Podcasting can be a means to connect with like-minded individuals, build relationships, and establish a network within a specific niche or community.
  3. Alternative Education: Podcasts offer a unique way to delve into alternative education or explore unconventional topics that may not be covered in traditional educational systems.
  4. Getting A Free Education: It’s annoying to be that person who tries to pick everyone’s brain. It’s also frustrating to not be in a position to pay a coach. Being a podcast host means you can get business coaching for free.
  5. Hobby Exploration: People often start podcasts as a way to explore their hobbies more deeply, offering insights, tips, and discussions on niche interests or lesser-known activities.
  6. Creative Expression: Launching a podcast provides a platform for creative individuals to showcase their artistic talents, experiment with storytelling, or share their unique perspectives.
  7. Promoting Thought-Provoking Conversations: Many podcasters aim to spark meaningful discussions, challenge societal norms, and tackle controversial topics that are often avoided in mainstream media.
  8. Spreading Awareness: Some podcasters launch shows with the intention of educating the public about little-known causes, raising awareness about important issues, or discussing underrepresented topics.
  9. Self-Improvement: Podcasting can be seen as a personal development journey, where hosts share their experiences, insights, and lessons learned with the aim of helping others cultivate growth and well-being.
  10. Entertaining Others: Launching a podcast enables hosts to entertain listeners through humor, storytelling, or by creating fictional narratives, giving audience members an escape from reality.
  11. Building Personal Brand: Podcasts can serve as a powerful tool for personal branding, allowing hosts to establish themselves as experts or thought leaders in their respective fields, attracting new opportunities and collaborations.
  12. Making Your Voice Heard: It might sometimes feel like you don’t have the freedom of speech your country’s constitution says you should. Having your own outlet means you cannot be silenced by someone else’s whims.

How many of these reasons to launch your podcast now stand out for you?

If you’re asking when the best time is to get started, there’s an answer to that: right now.

I promise you it is a lot simpler than you may be led to believe.

Don’t get in the weeds over technology and don’t worry that you’ll run out of things to say.

You probably have enough to say to fill several podcasts, when you think about these 12 reasons.

People want to hear from you, so make your voice heard.

Start now!

About the Author: Tammie Leigh

With 6-plus years of background in virtual assistance for entrepreneurs and business owners, Tammie Leigh brings an eclectic blend of personal experiences and professional adventures to deliver highly unique results that make your voice heard.

Can this help someone you know? Share it!

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